Extrovert and Introvert
Can doesnt think corona time is so bed for him.
Adrijana is happy that the pandemic experience opened so many new paths for all of us around the world. Hear her story (in Lithuanian).
A reflective interview with a young person sharing their experience of the COVID-19 pandemic as part of the CONTINUE project.
Meet Georgij and Maksim who share their experiences of the lockdown. The boys discuss the loneliness they felt during a lockdown, difficulties of keeping up with their schoolwork, and later having some realizations about the friendships and themselves. Hear their story (in Russian).
A reflective interview from a young person exploring their experience of COVID-19 as part of the CONTINUE Project.
A reflective interview with two young people exploring their experiences of COVID-19 as part of the CONTINUE Project.
Adrijana is quite independent while speaking about online learning but she also felt a lack of communication with her peers. Hear her story (in Lithuanian).
A young person reflecting on their experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic as part of the CONTINUE Project.
A reflective interview with a young person exploring their experience of the COVID-19 pandemic as part of the CONTINUE project.